Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I am in Scottsdale this morning.  As I prepare for a meeting I have the local Fox news on in the hotel room.  They are broadcasting a segment from Avondale City Hall where an Oath of Allegiance is taking place with about 300 folks about to become naturalized citizens of the USA. As they interview […]

Over the past year, I have been traveling from store to store, group meeting to group meeting, distributor conferences, markets, etc.  Along the way, I have spoken to hundreds of independent retailers and listened to their stories.  We have shared ideas (both good and bad), and have tried various things.  As a result, we have […]

We are approaching another holiday season.  This past year has been something.  We got through an election, horrific weather occurrences, and we seem to have weathered the economic storm.  But, did you? This year, I have traveled more than I ever have.  I have been on retail floors, in manufacturer/supplier showrooms, and pretty much all […]

In speaking with a client early this morning, he made reference to all of the work we have been doing with the IHFRA Reps, retailers and manufacturers relative to integrating social media into a media plan, using iPads, and embracing Internet Marketing.  I have known this retailer for over a decade, and he has been […]

As we roll out of the High Point Market, we are now looking to the balance of the year and wondering how this calendar year is going to finish up.  I have spoken to those who we deem experts.  I have reviewed various data elements, and looked at a whole bunch of research.  I then […]

In speaking with folks in various industries on a daily basis, there is one theme that seems to be resonating. Those that have made an effort to engage their audience and grow a community, are having success.  In addition, they are reducing their spend on some media which is leading to a better net. These […]

While in the midst of a marketing discussion today, I was thinking of an airplane analogy relative to the manner in which we tend to treat leads today.  Every consumer out there considering a product you carry, is like an airplane looking for a place to land.  The plane will land somewhere.  It is essential […]

For the past 3 weeks, we have been out on the road working with retailers, and talking to folks in all different kinds of industries.  Aside from selling clients (why we travel), we do everything we can to learn what is and is not working out there from a marketing standpoint. If you think back […]

As many of you know, it is still Bowl Season.  It used to be Bowl Week, but now there are 35 bowls between December 18th and January 10th.  Modern media has found a way to take the national championship drama away from New Year’s Day, and stretch it to a 3 week period.  Soon, I […]

Well, here we are just hours away from a brand new year.  If you read the predictions for 2011, and buy into them, you have to believe that 2011 will be a better year than 2010.  There are varied opinions as to how much better.  The good news is everyone agrees upon better.  So, we […]