Another Fresh Start


Well, here we are just hours away from a brand new year.  If you read the predictions for 2011, and buy into them, you have to believe that 2011 will be a better year than 2010.  There are varied opinions as to how much better.  The good news is everyone agrees upon better.  So, we have that going for us.  Which is nice…

The real questions is what does that mean to you?  We can all set goals, write beautiful plans, continue to talk about all the things we are going to do differently.  However, what are we actually going to do?  The hardest thing is not settling back into a familiar routine.  We all see it.  For the first two weeks of January, you cannot find an open machine in the gym.  Everyone is embarking upon their resolution plan.  Then, mid-January comes and there are some open machines.  By the end of February, the place is back to normal with 30-40% occupancy at peak hours, and real quiet during off hours.

Consider what you are doing from a marketing perspective.  I was talking with a client this morning relative to his plan for the first quarter.  Some of us his goals are to better expose himself in an expanded trading area, increase engagement with his customer base, and to help his salespeople utilize modern tools to interact with existing and prospective customers.  As opposed to just talking the talk, he has hired us to ensure it comes to fruition.

One of the lessons I learned years ago when I was running the marketing and sales of organizations was that we sometimes need to task others and delegate to them.  There are only so many things we can handle within our work set.  In addition, we do not always have time to learn a new tool or methodology.  Sometimes, we need to depend upon others.  I had a hard time doing that, but learned how much more effective I was when I bought in to using folks who were expert in their area.

So, my challenge to you, and I hope you accept it, is to actually do something new and different in the new year.  Use some folks who know what they are doing in their expertise area, and make your whole organization better.  Since we know there will be some degree of growth in 2011, there will be consumers out there seeking what you have.  Your ability to lure them will determine your size of the pie.

It’s a whole new world.  Adapt to it and enjoy.  Happy New Year!

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